Author’s Checklist for Original Article
- The Journal of The Korean Ceramic Society
- Journal
- Author’s Checklist for Original Article
- 1. General guidelines
- Manuscript is an original article which have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Manuscript is written in accordance with the guidelines of the Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society.
- Manuscript is typed in a double spacing with a margin of 25 mmfrom upper, lower, left and right margin using 11.0 pt in font size.
- Manuscript consists of cover page, abstract, main text, references, tables and figures in separate pages.
- 2. Cover page
- Title, name of authors and affiliation are written both in English and in Korean for papers written in Korean and in English for papers written in English.
- Contact information of tthe corresponding author (name, e-mail address, telephone, fax) is provided in the lower area of the cover page.
- 3. Abstract and keywords
- Abstract is written in English.
- The total number of words in the abstract is equal to or less than 150.
- The total number of Keywords is equal to or less than 5.
- 4. Main text
- The order of subtitles is in accord with the Instruction to Authors.
- 5. References
- All the References are cited in the main text.
- References are numbered according to a numeric order.
- Abbreviated title of journals follows that of Chemical Abstracts.
- All references are written in English.
- The reference style follows that of the Instruction to Authors.
- 6. Tables and figures
- The titles and legends of tables and figures are written in English.
- The resolution of figures are good enough for reproduction.